Archive for comic
Surprise mid-week update! Okay, I kind of hinted at it ever-so-subtly in Sunday’s post, but let’s all pretend to be surprised at the extra update anyway. Regular update again on Sunday, of course. Until then, have a very merry thursday everyone!
Hey, remember a few weeks back when Kiley went on adventures? If you’re the voting type, you’ll see her go on five more adventures this week, one for each weekday (mon-fri)! I cheated a little and put the Monday one up today, so don’t forget to come back on Tuesday for the next one, okay? Okay!
Then again… what would one ask these three?
Anyhoo, in keeping with the theme of the comic, this week’s voting incentive is a simple group shot of the big three. Nothing fancy, just the three of them with matching outfits (for once)… I feel kind of unmanly having drawn it. I better go sit in the shower.